how to fix earbuds that work on one side

Earbuds are headphones with two speakers, but no band goes over the head. They usually have a wire that connects one speaker to another. Earbuds can be handy for people who want to block out noise while listening to music. They are also straightforward to carry around, dress up with, and simple to use. In this guide, you will learn how to fix earbuds that work on one side.

Top 12 best methods about how to fix earbuds that work on one side?

Earwax and a broken wire cause earbuds that only work on one side.

1. Check if the wire is broken or not

Here is a method that tells how to test whether the connection inside the headphone jack is good or bad by doing an ohm meter checkup for continuity. If there is no continuity between any two points in all three connection paths, you have a bad headphone jack under the hood, which will need to be replaced.

2. Clean the ear wax off of the earbud

Cleaning the earwax off of the earbud is a straightforward task that can be done with a few household items. All you will need is a Q-tip, some rubbing alcohol, and a bowl or cup.

3. Take the rubber cover off of the speaker

Some people find it easier to clean the earbud if they take the rubber cover off of the speaker. This can be done by using a fingernail or a coin to pry it open.

4. Soak the Q-tip in rubbing alcohol

Soak the Q-tip in rubbing alcohol and then rub it on the earbud, making sure that you get into the small crevices in between the speaker and the cone.

5. Blow-dry them with a hairdryer

Blow-dry them with a hairdryer on warm for about 3 minutes to ensure that all of the alcohol has evaporated out of them. Now listen to your music again. If your earbuds still only work on one side, this method will not fix them because an internal problem does not cause it.

The problem may be in the wire itself or at the plug end where it plugs into your phone/mp3 player/tablet/laptop. The problem probably lies in one channel (left or right) in either case.

6. Pry the speaker out with a fingernail or a coin 

If you find that the problem has not been solved by method number five, then you will have to open up your speaker so that you can get in there and clean it. To do this, you should pry it open with a fingernail or a coin with some detail. Once it is open, clean the cone of the earbud with rubbing alcohol and dry it out using a hairdryer on warm for about 3 minutes.

7. Get access inside the speaker

Get access inside your speaker by removing the screws holding the casing together at both ends. Then remove each end piece carefully, making sure not to lose any of the tiny parts within them when they are taken apart.

8. Solve this problem by cleaning earwax from the speaker

Solve this problem by cleaning earwax from the speaker. To do this, use a cotton swab soaked in a bit of rubbing alcohol and clean away all of the wax that you can get to the inside of it.

9. Solder two wires to each other for grounding; if the wire is broken

In some cases, if one wire is broken or disconnected from its solder connection, then it can be soldered back onto its solder connection using a soldering iron. To test if the headphone jack needs to be replaced or not, put one end of your ohmmeter- set on continuity- into your headphone jack and touch both other ends to either side of the outside pins going into where they connect into your phone. If there is no continuity, the headphone jack needs to be replaced.

10. Solder two wires together by twisting them and heating them with a lighter

If your wires are too thin or it is impossible to sell them onto each other, then an alternative method could be used. This method involves simply “burning” the ends of both wires together until they get hot enough to melt together and fuse into one wire, making sure to leave a little bit sticking out from either side so that you will have something to hold onto while doing this.

Once they are nice and fused, use some pliers to twist them tightly together so they won’t come apart again. Now you can solder them onto each other like in the previous step.

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11. Tape over the speaker and reattach the casing

After you have fixed the earbud, it is essential to reattach the casing to be protected. To do this, use some electrical tape to cover up the speaker and then reattach the casing by putting the screws back in place. Make sure that everything is tight and secure before using them again.

12. If all else fails, replace the speaker

If all of these methods have failed, your only solution may be to replace the speaker. This can be done by finding a replacement speaker of the same size and type and then following one of the other methods to install it.


With their advance and elegant designs, hands free are for sure the delicate equipment to use for sound. So, using them in an inappropriate way can cause broken earbuds, damages in their wires, and one of their earbuds stop working. This article highlights some of the useful tips that anyone can apply to fix those hands free with one earbud working and the other one faulty. Some of the tips mention above are easy to apply and can fix the equipment quickly. Now, with the new technology advancing, new styled and more durable wireless hands free and Ipods are also in the market with product durability as one of its feature. So, there seems to be lesser chances of faulty earbuds.


How to fix earbuds that work on one side?

The problem is probably in the wire itself or at the plug end where it plugs into your phone/mp3 player/tablet/laptop; either way, you can fix this problem by following the instructions given in method number 5.

How do you repair headphones? 

If none of these methods have worked, then you may need to replace your headphone speaker entirely. You can follow Method #10 for more detailed information about this issue.

How do you fix a broken headphone jack?

If there is no continuity, the headphone jack needs to be replaced. Following method number 9 will help you with this issue.

Why do my headphones sound muffled?

If it sounds muffled, try using a cotton swab soaked in a bit of rubbing alcohol and clean away all of the wax you can get inside it or use electrical tape as mentioned above in method number 11 for more privacy.